About Us2024-05-07T17:20:00+00:00

About Us

Have any questions about Mold-A-Rama or our products?

How old are the Mold-A-Rama machines that are run?2024-04-01T18:57:06+00:00

The production of these machines ended in the mid 1960’s.

What should I do if I have a problem with a machine or my souvenir figurine?2024-04-29T18:11:40+00:00

Visit guest services or an information booth at the location to report any problems. Staff should be able to direct you to who can solve your problem. The locations have resources to assist you, or they will notify us.

How much does it cost to vend a Mold-A-Rama souvenir figurine?2024-04-01T18:56:04+00:00

A machine takes $5.00 in order to initiate a vend.

What social media is Mold-A-Rama Inc. present on?2024-04-01T18:58:20+00:00

We have a Facebook page and Instagram account.

Can I buy a Mold-A-Rama machine?2024-04-29T18:12:39+00:00

No, we are not in the business of selling machines. We own and operate our machines in various locations.

Can I buy one of the souvenir figures online?2024-04-01T18:58:07+00:00

We have a wide selection of molds available on our store page!






Machines Operating


Machines Operating


Unique Molds


Unique Molds

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